Monk fruit sweet soup

Monk Fruit Snow Fungus Sweet Soup

Yes!! It is sugar free and it is easy to make!! No mixing, no measuring, no lining of baking tray… just boil on stove top and done!! (yes, not even grabbing that pack of sugar substitute!)⁠

Delicious yet nourishing, medicinal properties of snow fungus and monk fruit

Generally, this sweet soup is so nourishing and refreshing, almost perfect for anytime of the year. Yet depending on season and individual bodies, this simple dessert will shine for its medicinal properties.

Disclaimer: I am not medical professional to provide any health advice by any means. Health-related information are posted on this website for reference purpose only and are knowledge and wisdom passed down through generations among families in Hong Kong.

⁠Snow fungus is known for its moisturizing and soothing properties. Rich in plant-based collagen, it is often recommended for improving dry skin conditions. You can find snow fungus sold in dry half-dome form in Chinese grocery stores and Chinese herb stores.

Monk fruit has been gaining popularity in the western world as a hyped up granulated keto sweetener like this one (Affiliate link). However before I learned about the highly processed sugar substitute product, I grew up seeing mom cracking open a whole monk fruit. She would then boil it which sweetens a whole pot of soup. It makes the liquid turn into a deep brown color, but the intense sweetness accompanied by its earthy flavor is incomparable.

What are the simple steps to make this Snow Fungus and Monk Fruit Dessert?

If you can: ⁠
– Soak a snow fungus in water then tear it into small pieces⁠
– Crack open a dried monk fruit (the natural sweetener hero!)⁠
– Boil the pot of water with snow fungus and half of the monk fruit for 15-20 mins⁠
You can make this delicious sweet soup dessert!⁠

Depends on the variety you can get, pre-soaking and boiling the snow fungus for longer can yield a creamy melt-in-your-mouth result!! ⁠
Tips: Add bitter almond for a deeper flavor!⁠

Looking for more naturally gluten-free, dairy-free dessert recipes?

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